A-Di-Da-Phat Phase
While living in Vietnam, every Saturday morning from across the small street in front of my house in Hanoi, before some wide steps that descend in Ho Tay, the famous Weslake of the city, I wake up to the peaceful chant of a small group of folks paying their respects to the Buddha. I sit and have coffee beside them, but am too put-off by the idea of photographing them. Even recording their prayers felt as if I was imposing. I finally got over the recording hesitation, however I did it from my balcony, on an iPhone.
I have always wanted to make some music utilizing the phasing technique introduced by Steve Reich (It’s Gonna Rain and Come Out, Clapping Music) but similarly, felt hesitant. It’s Reich’s thing. But then, there I am with this recording, and what are you gonna do?
Those Saturday mornings were something special.